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الموقع تحت الإنشاء

النسخة التجريبية من موقع النهضة العربية (أرض)

Global Disability Summit 2025: Towards A Global Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


By Khaled Jomaa, Researcher at the Renaissance Strategic Center

International and governmental institutions working in the field of humanitarian work are anticipating the Global Summit for Persons with Disabilities, which will be held in Berlin from 2 to 3 April 2025, as a “unique opportunity” to  improve the lives of persons with disabilities at all levels and in all fields.

The summit, which was launched in 2017 to bring together all global, regional, and national bodies who share the same goal and vision for the comprehensive development of disability and humanitarian action, aspires to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as ensuring  a continuous advocacy mechanism with relevant authorities and countries  in the fields of development and mobilization for their causes.

Since its inception in 2008,  the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) has been committed  to achieving social justice and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities in all fields, including access to inclusive social protection.  The organization works to build strategic partnerships with government agencies, civil society organizations, trade unions, and the private sector with the aim of developing policies and programs that ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society, enhance their active participation in the labor market, and achieve their economic and social independence.

ARDD is preparing  to participate in the Global Disability Summit, as it seeks through this participation to exchange experiences with countries and international organizations, and to learn about the best international practices in the field of the rights of persons with disabilities, in addition to highlighting the challenges faced by these persons in Jordan and the Arab region, and working to find effective solutions in collaboration with all stakeholders to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals related to social justice and full inclusion.

Several issues will be raised during the summit, the most important of which being independent living, inclusive education, the  situation of persons with disabilities in wars and crises, social protection, the role of the family and parents, and how to prepare countries’ financial budgets, and other priorities such as political participation and women’s empowerment, inclusive tourism, and the role of the private sector in the field of disability.

The Summit represents one way of understanding how  persons with disabilities are included in societies and decision-making positions, as well as translating the level of ambition shared in current and past commitments by stakeholders in this context, especially governments and donors, into changes at the policy and program level.

All this will take place as persons with  disabilities and their representative organizations continue  to work in the complex social, economic, and political conditions that shape their daily lives, especially in the Middle East, which is witnessing many turmoils at all levels. But while formulating disability inclusion policies or revising existing policies  in this regard do not automatically translate into or ensure change, they do formalize the political intent and commitment of governments, allowing them to be held accountable if policies are not implemented or if they don’t commit to improving the social, economic, political and legislative environment for persons with disabilities.

The Summit as an opportunity to improve the conditions of persons with disabilities

Ashraf  Al-Bakour, President of the Jordanian Association of Social Work, stressed the importance of the Disability Preparatory Summit “as an opportunity to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life,” focusing on Jordan’s role as a model of “political will”, through achievements such as the 2017 Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and inclusive education strategies and alternative homes. He also stressed the need to make the voices of this group heard by decision-makers, especially in war and conflict zones.

The summit reflects a common international commitment to achieve social justice and inclusive development through sustainable policies and effective partnerships between governments, organizations and civil society, with a focus on exchanging experiences and building capacities, and enhancing the role of persons with disabilities in the economy, labor market, private sector, and tourism, thus contributing to the creation of a more inclusive and prosperous society.

Meanwhile, Zaid Al-Atari, who is in charge of the political participation file at the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, said that the Global Disability Summit is an ideal opportunity to promote and consolidate the rights of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life, as governments and international organizations will make commitments through it that will improve the reality of the lives of persons with disabilities, as well as offering a chance to review best practices, discuss them, and discuss ways of cooperation with various actors in the field of the rights of persons with disabilities.

Carol Gideon, an activist in the field of children’s rights and persons with disabilities, pointed out that the importance of the summit stems from the fact that it builds on the achievements of the previous two summits, which enhances the continuity of international efforts in this field. The summit is co-hosted by the governments of Germany and Jordan along with the International Disability Alliance, which is the permanent host. The event is of particular importance to Jordan as the first Arab country to host this summit, providing an opportunity to convey the Jordanian and Arab situation of persons with disabilities to the international arena.

Gideon explained that  the summit is characterized by a high level of representation, as His Majesty the King will lead the Jordanian delegation, highlighting the official commitment to disability issues. Among the seven core principles on which the Summit is based is the principle of “nothing about us without us”, which affirms that persons with disabilities are at the heart of these efforts. The Summit seeks to translate this principle into concrete actions, reflecting the commitment to achieving the effective and sustainable inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life.

List of Committments

The Global Disability Summit’s commitments are voluntary pledges made by participants in the summit, including governments, international organizations, organizations of persons with disabilities, the private sector, and donors, with the aim of promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the aim to transform these commitments into concrete policies and programs that bring about real change at the national and international levels.

Key commitments include: inclusion in development by focusing on mainstreaming disability into national and international development policies and programs, policy development through the commitment of governments to adopt policies that guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities, with a focus on accountability mechanisms, ensuring sustainable funding for the implementation of programs related to persons with disabilities, strengthening cooperation and supporting international and local organizations working in the field of the rights of persons with disabilities, improving education and employment opportunities, strengthening social protection programs, including persons with disabilities in the labor market, and providing humanitarian response and integration of disability perspectives into humanitarian relief efforts to ensure inclusion during crises and emergencies.

These commitments aim to achieve tangible progress in the lives of persons with disabilities at the national and international levels, as the Summit has developed a comprehensive plan aimed at promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities and ensuring their equality in all aspects of life, through  a plan that relies on clear commitments adopted by governments and organizations of persons with disabilities, the implementation thereof is followed up through specific mechanisms to ensure accountability and continuous evaluation.

What is required at the local and Arab level

In Jordan, the situation requires the effective activation and implementation of national legislation, such as the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Law No. 20 of 2017, as despite  the adoption of  the law, which provided inclusive protection in all aspects of society for persons with disabilities, there was a lack of application of the law, in addition to ensuring the compatibility of local policies with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. An inclusive education system must also be developed through improved infrastructure and the provision of dedicated educational resources, including teacher training and the use of assistive technologies.

With regard to employment opportunities, it is necessary to promote the employment of persons with disabilities by providing incentives to employers and providing vocational training programs that correspond to the requirements of the labor market. In addition, accessibility of public facilities and health and social services should be improved to meet the needs of persons with disabilities, along with awareness campaigns aimed at changing negative societal perceptions and promoting a culture of inclusion.

At the regional level, strengthening regional cooperation is essential through the establishment of networks to share best practices and unite efforts to support persons with disabilities. This also requires the development of national strategies that are compatible with international standards, as well as policy coordination between state and non-state actors. It is important to support scientific research and innovation to develop technological solutions and services that meet the needs of persons with disabilities, while allocating sustainable budgets to ensure the implementation of relevant programs and plans. The inclusion of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes at the national and regional levels must be an essential part of this effort to ensure that policies are responsive to their needs.