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We are pleased to share the third edition of the Renaissance Strategic Center (RSC) Bulletin! This newsl…
Since 2020, the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) has monitored the illegal practice of retaining personal identification documents by Jordanian hospitals as collateral for un…
International aid agencies, particularly those involved in crisis-response who handle larger budgets, have power over national crisis responders. The primary source of that power is money. It is…
The establishment of women’s machineries has been prioritized since 1975 by the international community when the United Nations held the first World Conference on Women in Mexico. In 1995 the Bei…
Over the years, I have observed multi-stakeholder ‘steering committees’ or ‘governance’ groups. These refer to, for example, the steering committee of a network of member organizations, the steer…
An emergency hotline is reserved for handling extensive incoming calls, particularly during emergencies and crises, to ensure uninterrupted service to people in need. Emergency hotlines have seve…
This Policy Brief is informed by an in-depth analysis led by the Al-Nahda Women’s Studies Team at ARDD, examining the role of women-led and youth-led community-based organizations (CBOs) in foste…
This is our second briefing and reflection paper on intermediaries. It contributes to an ongoing critical reflection in the aid sector.The behaviours of notably international aid agencies, acting…
In 2016, at the World Humanitarian Summit, all the big players in the international humanitarian aid system, committed to ‘better support and reinforce national and local actors’. Since then, the…
This Policy Brief outlines the analysis drawn from the research “The role of civil society organizations with women leadership implementing UNSCR 1325 and JONAP in Jordan” conducted from April t…