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النسخة التجريبية من موقع النهضة العربية (أرض)

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Localisation Baseline Report
The localisation of humanitarian work in Jordan is an ongoing process that requires collaboration and co- operation among local and international actors. This baseline report provides an overvie…
Forced Displacement in Gaza and the Right of Return
This background paper provides a basis and framework for understanding the forced displacement occurring in Gaza as a result of the current assault. In addition to the devastating death toll (cur…
English for Beginners Booklet
This training booklet was developed as part of the Investing in the Future Project: Improved Educational, Social, and Economic Integration of Somali, Sudanese, and Yemeni minorities In Jordan, im…
Debt and Imprisonment in Jordan
Unpaid debt in Jordan is widespread, affecting almost 2% of its population. Most recent estimates regarding people with unpaid debt in Jordan include 157,367 individuals who are wanted in civil d…