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The localisation of humanitarian work in Jordan is an ongoing process that requires collaboration and co- operation among local and international actors.
This baseline report provides an overvie…
This background paper provides a basis and framework for understanding the forced displacement occurring in Gaza as a result of the current assault. In addition to the devastating death toll (cur…
Dr. Raad Al Tal and Dr. Jalal Husseini
Unemployment in Jordan has been expanding over the past 10 years, and its rate continued to grow in an unprecedented manner during the past two years.
Women worldwide face risks, including limited access to education, inadequate health services and coverage, gender-based discrimination, unpaid care work, high poverty rates, and increased vulner…
This training booklet was developed as part of the Investing in the Future Project: Improved Educational, Social, and Economic Integration of Somali, Sudanese, and Yemeni minorities In Jordan, im…
Youths are at the forefront of the climate movement that emerged in the 1980s and gained traction in 2019 with the global climate strike organized by Fridays for Future and Earth Strike. Despite …
Unpaid debt in Jordan is widespread, affecting almost 2% of its population. Most recent estimates regarding people with unpaid debt in Jordan include 157,367 individuals who are wanted in civil d…
Whereas entrepreneurship is recognized by the government as an engine of economic growth, job creation and prosperity of its country, people and future, it remains recognized by relevant stakehol…
In partnership with Vision Hope International e.V. (VHI) and through the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Arab Renaissance for Democr…