PhD. Hassan Nafaa
An Egyption researcher and thinker, Nafaa is currently serving as a full professor in the Political Science Department at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University, where he was its president for eight years. He has worked as a visiting professor at many universities and as a lecturer in several diplomatic institutes affiliated to the foreign ministries in Egypt and a number of Arab countries. He served as Secretary General of the Arab Thought Forum, Secretary General of the Arab Society for Political Science, General Coordinator of the Egyptian Campaign Against Inheritance and then of the National Assembly for Change. He is a member of the advisory board of Al-Ahram International Journal of Politics. Nafaa won many awards including the State Encouragement Award in Political Science and the State Prize for Excellence in Social Sciences. He is a member of the General Secretariat of the Arab National Conference He has many publications: Reform of the United Nations, Arabs and UNESCO, the United Nations in half a century, Western Europe and North America, Egypt and the Arab-Israeli conflict: from inevitable conflict to impossible settlement, the European Union and Arab lessons learned, and has also published numerous studies and articles in several magazines and newspapers. He contributes regular articles in a number of Arabic newspapers He holds a BA in Political Science from the Faculty of Commerce, Alexandria University, and a PhD in Political Science from Sorbonne University, France.