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الموقع تحت الإنشاء

النسخة التجريبية من موقع النهضة العربية (أرض)

2024 World Refugee Day Statement by ARDD


Today, on World Refugee Day, we are driven to intensify our support for refugees and those forced to flee their homes globally. More than ever, this year, on this anniversary, we come together and join the international call to recognize the strength, courage, and resilience of millions of refugees around the globe. As a civil society organization dedicated to challenging discrimination and marginalization of refugees in the Arab world and beyond, The Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) emphasizes the urgent need to raise awareness about the precarious conditions faced by refugees, particularly in the Arab World.

Despite ongoing efforts to ensure protection for displaced individuals, we are witnessing escalating socio-economic and political crises that hinder significant progress and exacerbate the challenges faced by local, regional, and international institutions in guaranteeing refugee rights. Although many host countries in the Arab region strive to prevent discrimination, practices, and policies of marginalization, containment, and lack of mechanisms for asylum processes persist, obstructing the full and fair integration of refugees into economic and social systems. These global issues cannot be addressed without recognizing the impact of social, political, and economic factors influencing migration policies at both national and international levels.

Among the several refugee challenges that affect the Arab World, this year has seen the Sudanese refugee crisis worsen, a slowdown in achieving durable solutions for Syrian refugees, and severe attacks on international refugee protection agencies like UNRWA. Additionally, genocidal practices pose a grave threat of further displacing nearly 2 million Palestinian refugees in Gaza. The international community must urgently unite to provide relief, support reconstruction, and pursue lasting peace to break the cycle of displacement.

On this World Refugee Day, we call on governments, international organizations, civil society and individuals to reaffirm their commitment to protecting and supporting refugees. This entails providing immediate aid and working towards long-term solutions that uphold human dignity and rights. We must amplify the voices of refugees, ensuring they are heard and included in decisions impacting their lives.

In solidarity with refugees worldwide, let us renew our dedication to creating a world where everyone can live safely, free from fear, and with hope for a brighter future. ARDD remains steadfast in its commitment to empowering refugees, recognizing this as the most effective way to ensure their safety, well-being, and sustainable solutions. We reaffirm our will to continue our long-term mission, to support all refugees and host communities in their right to a dignified life.