As part of an official visit to Jordan, the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) received a delegation, including representatives of the Turkish government and officials from the International Organization for Migration in Turkey, at its headquarters in Amman on Tuesday to learn about best practices in refugee, migration, and social cohesion issues.ARDD presented an overview of its achievements and efforts in the field of protection and legal assistance to refugees, as well as research, advocacy, and policy related to refugees and forced migration from and in the Arab world within the framework of ARDD’s Al-Nahda Thought Center programs.
During a discussion among the delegation and ARDD team, ARDD Chief Executive Director, Samar Muhareb shed light on the importance of joint efforts by civil society, government, and the international community to ensure optimal protection for refugees, provide them with access to a dignified life and enable them to contribute constructively to the communities they live in. Regarding long-term solutions, she stressed the importance of exerting international efforts to resolve conflicts and ensure the refugees’ right to a safe return to their homelands.