Each has an idea for impactful projects to develop within their communities. Once the group began introducing their ideas, it became clear that our youth is mature and capable of working and planning for the future.
The group consisted of 30 young women and men who presented 15 projects at the Entrepreneurship and Business Forum, “Design and Determine Towards the Future of Entrepreneurship and Business”. It took place on Thursday 29th of December 2022 and functioned as the closing event for the “Design and Determine” Project with the participation of over 12 human resources practitioners from the private sector.
The forum aimed at providing the space for presenting entrepreneurial projects within the “Design and Determine” Project, introducing the skills required by firms, and activating the role of human resources experts in guiding applicants for jobs.
Presented projects varied in focus among the social, industrial, agricultural, environmental, technical, educational, health, and art fields. The youth were trained through the Design and Determine incubator on communication skills, customer service, and teamwork, and in professional areas such as hospitality, handcrafts, marketing, sales, accounting, and human resources.
Zainab Al-Khalil, ARDD’s Programmes Manager said that the Design and Determine Project has been being implemented over the last two years in partnership with Al Zumurrod and funded by the European Regional Development and Protection Program (RDPP II) for Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq, which is supported by the Czech Republic, Denmark, the European Union, Ireland, and Switzerland. She explained that the forum between the youth and firms aimed at introducing the skills required for the job market, tackling unemployment, promoting the human rights agenda, and creating a welcoming environment for investments in the country.
Ruqayya Al-Dowairi, a young participant, said her project will provide personal assistance to people with visual and mobility impairment and hearing loss, and the elderly. She said, “taking part in this event introduced me to donors and firms. I aim to maximize my reach within my project”.
Mohammed Abu Omaira, owner of the “Recycling Furniture and Wood into Modern Designs” project said that the true meaning of the forum was getting to know the thoughts of today’s youth. He said they got to meet the guests to whom they presented the “entrepreneurial neighborhood for recycling” that aims at helping young couples overcome financial challenges standing between them and marriage. The participatory project offers high-quality, affordable, eco-friendly furniture that responds to different tastes. It also offers training courses to promote participatory and serene marriages.
Sami Mohammed Sami, owner of the Daraj: The Generation for Detection, Response, and Acceleration project said that the chance to meet individuals and firms was of great importance for partnership building for his project’s development and establishment in the market. He said his project aims at creating a specialized agency that offers maintenance and high-tech solutions for electric cars by trained youth.
Onoud Jaloqa, owner of a project focused on recycling newspapers valued the efforts of ARDD and the Design and Determine Project in introducing her to a number of people from whom she can learn and benefit.
Human resources practitioners from private firms such as Luminus College, Marouf Coffee, Wasel for Awareness and Education, Yousef Afandi Barbers, Lebnani Snack, Hyatt Hotel, the InterContinental Hotel, Durrat Al-Manal for Development and Training, Jordan Enterprise Development Cooperation (JEDCO), Zad, Zumurrod, and Ocean Fish stressed the importance of this partnership between the civil society and private sector that strengthened opportunities for youth employment, particularly through the entrepreneurship training that was intense, comprehensive, and detailed.
The series of meetings and dialogue sessions come as part of the Design and Determine Project implemented by ARDD and funded by the European Regional Development and Protection Program (RDPP II) for Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq, which is supported by the Czech Republic, Denmark, the European Union, Ireland, and Switzerland.