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الموقع تحت الإنشاء

النسخة التجريبية من موقع النهضة العربية (أرض)

Future of our journalism

Project starting: July 2015

“Future of our journalism” or “Mustaqbal Sahafatuna” ,the Arabic name of the project, aims to provide a space for active and diverse collaboration among youth in Zarqa in addressing social, economic and political issues and advancing change.

Implemented in partnership with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through a grant from the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program implemented by FHI 360, from July 2015 till July 2016, the project worked on achieving its goals through enhancing community dialogue among youth in Zarqa, for the purpose of promoting positive social behavior and attitudinal change. In addition to this, the project will build the capacities of youth in Zarqa to enable them to actively engage with their communities.

The project encompasses the model of “Social journalism”, which aimed to provide youth in Zarqa with the analytical and technical tools to identify issues that concern them and their communities, while fostering a culture of engagement and dialogue. Thus, the Future of our Journalism (“Mustaqbal Sahafatuna”) uses a comprehensive approach to train 30 youth from Zarqa to be social journalists and in enhanced their civic engagement.

Also, it worked on the issues facing communities.

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