The project aims to reinforce the resilience and protection of Syrian refugees and the host communities in Zarqa, Karak and Baqaa. Moreover, developing the capacity of civil society in the Prevention of Violent Extremism in order to play an active role in the definition of public policies regarding the construction of peace and refuge.
Implemented in cooperation with the International Institute for Nonviolent Action (NOVACT) from February 2018 till December 2019, and funded by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD), the Indicasere’ project seeks to enhance the participation and accessibility of civil society to the process of public policy formulation in the fields of peacebuilding and conflict resolution. It fosters alternative narratives to hate speech in the context of the Syrian crisis and puts special emphasis on the United Nations’ Resolution 1325, through the analysis of the roles of women and youth in the prevention of violence.
The project is applied through conducting action research with the aim of producing evidence-based knowledge on the role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, organizing capacity-building and awareness-raising sessions with Jordanian, Syrian and Palestinian women, in addition to CSOs, grassroots organizations and media professionals.
(The content of this publication is exclusive responsibility of ARDD and does not reflect necessarily the opinion of the ACCD)