“Women’s Access to Economic Justice” was created to address the many obstacles to achieving social and economic justice for women in Jordan. ARDD’s extensive work on women’s access to justice finds that economic stability is a major factor leading to stagnation in the status of women’s rights, which by extension impacts their ability to be civically and socially engaged with their community, country, and region.
Administered in partnership with Ford Foundation, from July 2017 till June 2019. The project is unique in that it works towards that goal specifically; just and equal outcomes for women in the economic sphere. Barriers like ill-informed economic decisions, the pressure applied to Female Head of Households (FHH), lack of confidence among the poor and vulnerable, and the fear of harassment are some of the problems handled through this project.
Change is possible and sustainable as poor and vulnerable women in Jordan are increasingly being empowered to enter the job market and protect themselves with the laws and rights they are justly and equally afforded. Advancements in economic and legal justice are not limited to one person in fact they affect all those in the community, continuing the trend of change.