ARDD hosted a two-day conference on April 25-26th, 2018, to celebrate its 10-year anniversary.
Over the past 10 years, ARDD has worked with determination to revive hope and mobilize society towards social, economic, and political justice. ARDD’s aspirations have been to contribute to an all-inclusive and comprehensive change in the spirit of achieving al-Nahda: the Arab Renaissance.
The conference had two objectives: 1.) building a consensus on the actions necessary for the new Nahda project, and 2.) the establishment of the Center for Renaissance as a regional think tank. The goal of the center is to encourage debate among interested audiences as it seeks to provide research and guidance for innovative ideas and actions
The first day started with setting the stage for the overall conference and presenting the main paradigms and achievements of the Nahda. In the following sessions, participants discussed and explored main themes of current development and came to an agreement on new avenues to change based on the principles and ethos of al-Nahda.
The second day was dedicated to consolidating and officiating agreed-upon actions and, finally, the introduction of the Nahda think tank, the Center for Renaissance.