The Kingdom of Jordan is a regional and international reference for its commitment to international law and sustainable development. The Kingdom has embraced this commitment through its economic and political modernization programs. While Jordan’s Economic Modernisation Vision revolves around two pillars that place “quality of life” at its forefront[1], its political vision strives to create a political and legislative environment conducive to the active engagement of its citizenry.
In the post-pandemic era, a pressing need exists to enhance a more innovative, resilient, and sustainable society. This challenge requires supporting efficient economic growth through fostering new partnerships and alliances with shared values and achievable goals. This is a critical opportunity to improve good governance, job creation, and living standards while increasing economic productivity and responsible investments in Jordan.
Jordan’s business sector plays a critical role as its economic growth engine. While leadership and resilience are fundamental pillars of the business sector, to thrive in the current environment, the sector necessitates improvements in areas such as ease of doing business, infrastructure, the availability of specific skills, and high productivity levels.
The voluntary Goodwill declaration “Towards a Common Goal” aims to build a new partnership between state institutions, the business sector, and civil society to promote social dialogue and actions that contribute to sustainable socio-economic development in Jordan. To frame this cooperation, the document is structured in a set of key principles and an agenda of action to achieve concrete goals.
[1] Economic Modernisation Vision: Unleashing potential to build the future, 2022. Available at