ANATOMY OF POWER:INTERNATIONAL AID AGENCIES & NATIONAL CRISIS RESPONDERS – PAPER (4)International aid agencies, particularly those involved in crisis-response who handle larger budget…
MULTI-STAKEHOLDER STEERING- AND GOVERNANCE GROUPS: RENDER FUNDEMENTAL EXPECTATIONS OF BEHAVIOUR EXPLICCIT – PAPER (3)Over the years, I have observed multi-stakeholder ‘steering committees’ or ‘governance’ groups. Thes…
Donors & Intermediaries: Critical Self-Awareness and a Conversation GuideCollaborative Efforts towards Collective Impact Series – Paper (2)This is our second briefing and reflection paper on intermediaries. It contributes to an ongoing cri…
Intermediary Organizations under the Spotlight: Why? The Collaborative Efforts towards Collective Impact Series -Paper (1)In 2016, at the World Humanitarian Summit, all the big players in the international humanitarian aid…