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الموقع تحت الإنشاء

النسخة التجريبية من موقع النهضة العربية (أرض)

VII Brussels Conference – Supporting the future of Syria and the region JONAF delegation – Jordan


On 14 and 15 June a JONAF delegation will attend the VII Brussels Conference – Supporting the future of Syria and the region- organized by the European Union. The conference is one of the most important institutional spaces for mobilising the international community in support of a comprehensive and credible political solution to the Syrian conflict, in line with UN Security Council resolution 2254 and ensure continued support to the Syrian people, both in Syria and in the wider region. While the Ministerial meeting will be held on the second day, the first day of conference will be  “A Day of Dialogue”  that will see the participation of over 800 decision makers and civil society representatives from Syria and beyond, to address issues related humanitarian and resilience challenges in Syria and the whole region. The JONAF delegation, along with other civil society coalitions and independent organizations from the kingdom, has been invited to represent and voice the Jordanian civil society and their engagement with the humanitarian response to the Syrian crisis. For the first time, the delegation will have a high number of participants with 7 JONAF members representing CBOs from all geographies of the countries attending. The delegation is composed by: Mariam Abu Samra from ARDD, Amman, Linda Khalash from Tamkeen, Amman, Dawd Quttab and Agyed Abuzayed from Radio al-Balad, Amman, May Abu Edad, Association Steps of Hope, Irbed Najah Aweydat, from Kiram Association, Mafraq, Fare3 Almasayid, Child Welfare Association, Mafraq, Marwan Hennawi fromHashemite Charitable Association, Amman.

JONAF delegation participates to the conference with the aim of raising the voice of Jordanian civil society in supporting the Syrian people. It wishes to con triobute to the Day of Dialogue by engaging in the relevant debates, sharing lessons learned on the ground and how it built on the direct experience of local actors that are involved in the response plan. JONAF will advocate for a holistic approach to the Syrian crisis, emphasizing the importance of supporting host countries in the implementation of the response plan within the specificities of the local and regional contexts while also taking into account the role and responsibilities of international actors and stakeholders. The JONAF delegation approaches the conference as an opportunity to advocate for long-term solutions and sustain to the Syrian people that bring about socio-economic and political stability in the whole region, working toward an overarching plan that guarantees peace and security in area.


JONAF expresses its appreciation to the EU for organizing the Brussels conference and wishes it will realize the goal of supporting the future of Syria and the region. Moreover, JONAF extends its deepest gratitude to JIF and its representative for facilitating the participation of the delegation to the conference. In the spirit of constant and growing cooperation that has increasingly informed the engagement of JONAF, JIF, local CBOs forums and national stakeholders with the Syrian humanitarian response, a joint, follow-up statement will be drafted and published at the end of the conference.