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الموقع تحت الإنشاء

النسخة التجريبية من موقع النهضة العربية (أرض)

Women Representatives from 11 CBOs in Irbid and Al Mafraq Conduct Visits to Experienced NGOs


Within the (Women for Peace) project which is implemented by the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) with the support of the Women’s Fund for peace and humanity in order to promote the involvement of women in peace building and security and humanitarian response efforts, ARDD arranged exposure visits for fifteen women representatives of eleven CBOs from Mafraq and Irbid governorates to identify and learn from the experiences of selected women- led NGOs that work to empower women and are implementing the national plan to activate UN Security Council Resolution 1325, Women and Peace Security.

The visits included a visit to the Arab Women Organization, which was established in 1970 and has a long history in promoting Jordanian women’s role in society and to enable them in becoming effective partners in the development. The President of the Organization, Ms. Leila Nafaa reviewed the progress of the Organization and its endeavors in this regard.

The women representatives also visited ARDD offices, where ARDD hosted the Jordan National Commission for Women (JNCW) in a session aiming to raise awareness about the Jordanian National Plan to activate UN Security Council Resolution 1325, Women, Peace and Security. JNCW representative reviewed the national efforts to enforce this decision in Jordan and the progress achieved since 2010 and its stages to the present day. The session also included several comments by the audience which confirmed the importance of women’s role in building peace and security through experiences on the ground.

The project “Women for Peace”, which targets Syrian refugee women especially women household heads in Mafraq and Irbid governorates, comes as part of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 framework on recognizing the impact of conflict, especially on women, and emphasizing the need to protect women in times of armed conflict and involve them as actors in peacekeeping, security and the decision-making process of conflict prevention and contributors to its resolution.

The project works through the implementation of several activities such as legal empowerment and psychological support and training sessions related to conflict resolution skills and capacity building to strengthen the legal and social protection mechanism for women with a focus on women heads of their families, and build the capacity and development of skills of Jordanian and Syrian women to be able to play an active role in conflict resolution and resolution Within their communities to disseminate a culture of social inclusion, and build the capacity of formal and informal social networking centers in Syrian communities and social centers to enhance their impact and help them lead these communities with regards to humanitarian response.