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الموقع تحت الإنشاء

النسخة التجريبية من موقع النهضة العربية (أرض)

Investing in the Future Project

Project starting: November 2022

“Every child has the right to quality education and learning”



Globally, Jordan hosts the second largest number of refugees relative to its population. In addition to the influx of Syrian refugees post-2011, Jordan is also home to a minority of refugees descending from other nationalities, particularly Sudanese, Yemeni and Somalian refugees. Access to basic services for the minority of refugees in Jordan namely, legal, health, and education services remain a concern. Thus, increasing their vulnerability from a protection perspective.

In partnership with Vision Hope International e.V. (VHI) and through the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) launched the Investing in the Future project that addresses the educational needs of the minority of refugees and vulnerable host communities.

Investing in the Future is integral to ARDD’s education strategy. ARDD’s approach is founded on pursuing a holistic approach to education that considers ensuring access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all as a central pillar to alleviating poverty, strengthening protection, and enabling lasting positive social transformation and cohesion.


Inclusive access to quality education ensures the protection of vulnerable communities in Jordan, their advancement, and the overall migrant and host communities’ resilience and social cohesion.

Overall Goal

Centered on inclusive, integrated, and equal education for all that is consolidated in protection, the Project´s protection framework will focus on providing various legal services and improved educational opportunities to increase the protection for the Sudanese, Somali and Yemeni communities, and the Jordanian host population through education, Investing in the Future Project aims to affect changes on the Individual, Community, National, and Policy levels:

• Individual Level

The educational and social needs of Sudanese, Somali, and Yemeni Migrant Refugees in Jordanian host communities are met and protected through inclusive education and legal awareness

• Community Level

Migrant Refugee families become change agents and contribute to the betterment of the surrounding communities in which they are engaged and able to thrive through the knowledge and skills they acquire and share

• National Level

The Jordanian government supports the international legal rights of migrant refugees and extends its efforts to improve their livelihood and protection manifested in inclusive quality education

• Policy Level

Local and international education-focused stakeholders actively advocate and contribute to an integrated, inclusive, quality, and cohesive education agenda in Jordan

Approach and Activities

• Providing education premises that will serve as a hub for the project target groups residing in the Amman area.

• Increasing legal awareness and providing legal assistance services such as mitigation and litigation services to refugee minorities and thus increase their resilience.

• Supporting parents through focused sessions to enhance their children’s well-being and secure a better future

• Supplementing the children’s education through English courses and art programs to reinforce self-expression, confidence, and resilience

• Providing youth with opportunities to improve their livelihoods and sense of belonging through vocational training scholarships

• Investing in partnerships and leading advocacy efforts steered towards inclusive, integrated, cohesive, and quality education for all in Jordan

The Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD)

About Us:

Founded in 2008, the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) is a Jordanian civil society organization based in Amman-Jordan and registered with the Ministry of Social Development under the supervision of the Ministry of Interior. ARDD includes ten offices distributed throughout the Kingdom.

Our Mission:

Renewing the civilizational mission for an Arab renaissance would enable the people of the Arab world to achieve democracy, development, and social justice, ARDD seeks to foster transformative change toward empowered, resilient, and just societies in Jordan and the Arab World,

Our Role and Contribution:

We seek to bring about change through our various humanitarian and developmental programs and projects, building networks and partnerships, and providing a research space at our Al Nahda Thought Center.

Our Focus and Workspace:

ARDD primarily operates in Jordan. At the same time, and in line with its vision and mission, ARDD’s programs, projects, and research cover other countries in the Arab world.

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