Jordan has been undergoing a substantial judicial reform process since 2011, however regional and economic crises continue to take a toll on Jordan, latest of which was Covid-19 also affecting access to justice and the justice sector.
ARDD, in partnership with Durrat Al-Manal for Development and Training (DMDT), established the Forum for Supporting the Justice Sector in 2017 to advance efforts towards rights-based justice sector reform in Jordan. The Forum is composed of judges, lawyers, civil society actors, governmental and international community representatives, local activists, and academics.
The objectives of the Justice Sector Forum are to:
· Raise public awareness about relevant justice sector issues, laws, and regulations in Jordan
· Enhance trust between the community and justice sector stakeholders
· Promote the values of justice, the rule of law, and accountability among stakeholders and people alike
· Generate a sense of ownership amongst justice sector practitioners, civil society, and the general public.
Implemented in partnership with the French embassy in Amman, the project comes as part of ARDD’s “Legal Aid and Justice Sector Development” program and will build on the work and accomplishments of the Forum to advance it as a platform of coordination among relevant local, regional, and international justice sector stakeholders, a mean to facilitate dialogue, knowledge production, and the exchange of opinions and news, and a vessel to strengthen awareness and evidence-based advocacy, on justice sector reform issues among stakeholders and the wider public.