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الموقع تحت الإنشاء

النسخة التجريبية من موقع النهضة العربية (أرض)

Know Her Rights Tools of Knowledge Elimination violence against women and girls in Jordan


Various sectors of Jordanian society are marred by a wide-ranging lack of gender sensitivity and different forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG). The easy-to-understand “Tools of Knowledge: Eliminating Violence Against Women and Girls in Jordan” toolkit was created as part of the Know Her Rights Project to combat VAWG in four sectors: government, media, education, and health sectors. Awareness-raising, as employed in this toolkit, is one of ARDD’s main tools to empower women, secure just legal outcomes, and create a more gender-sensitive environment for women to live life comfortably.

While this toolkit contains the input of various stakeholders, from the government to media, education, and civil society experts, its innovative approach to dispersing the knowledge is based on the simple, non-technical composition of the toolkit. “Tools of Knowledge: Eliminating Violence Against Women and Girls in Jordan” includes descriptions of the challenges facing women in each of the four sectors, as well as surveys for members of the sector to appraise their own understanding of VAWG and gender sensitivity.

The key output from this project is developing a culture of gender sensitivity that combats violence and negative byproducts of institutionalized male-dominated norms and social roles. By fundamentally transforming how women and men handle VAWG in Jordan, enduring change is expected to take root as a result of the toolkit.

This toolkit was created in partnership with the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women (UNTF).